Hugo Themes
Sweet little theme for personal website or blog
- Author: Yurizal Susanto
- GitHub Stars: 98
- Updated: 2023-02-28
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Light Minimal Personal
Manis Hugo Theme
It’s a minimalist and responsive theme for Hugo Static Site Generator. It’s name taken from Indonesian Language for Sweet.
Table of Contents
Like I said, it’s really minimal. Its doesn’t even have grid or anything nice like that.
- Configurable color!
- Code Highlighting (HighlightJS).
- Print.css (for single post only)
- Responsive.
- Social Icon Links.
- No Grid no worry.
- Disqus Support.
- Utterances Support.
- Translatable.
- Dark Mode Support.
Get Started
If this is your first time using Hugo, and you want to use this theme. Follow the instruction below:
mkdir name_of_web
cd name_of_web
git clone themes/manis
cp themes/manis/exampleSite/config.toml config.toml
hugo new blog/
Edit the config.toml
according to your preference. Then edit content/blog/
start writing your first post. (Look at the exampleSite/content
for example.)
Theme Only
To only install Manis, you can clone this repository. The following command will clone Manis in your site’s base directory.
cd path/to/site/dir
git clone themes/manis
Ensure you have blog
and work
sections to make this theme works.
├── blog
│ └──
└── work
For configuration example you can look at the exampleSite/config.toml
(and copy that too!). I put some commentary to, hopefully, guide you at using this theme.
Change Latest Section
You can edit which sections show up as latest posts and latest works by editing mainSections
and workSections
. workSections
is optional.
# Configure which sections for Latest Posts
mainSections = ["blog", "post"]
# Configure which sections for Latest Works
workSections = ["work"]
Custom CSS
If you want to make a change for this theme, other than forking, you can also supplied custom CSS. Maybe you want to change the font or size of image or icon, then custom CSS is your pal.
First, edit your config.toml
, add the custom CSS filenames to custom CSS
. You can supplied more than one custom CSS. Just be aware of the CSS load order.
customCSS = ["/css/icon.css"]
Then, make a new static/css/icon.css
file. After that you can write your custom CSS to that file:
.icon-social {
width: 2rem;
height: 2rem;
If you follow the above instruction, you will change the size of icon on footer without forking the theme.
Disqus Configuration
To add Disqus support, edit your site config.toml
. Add your discus’ shortname to disqusShortname
and add list of sections that you want to support disqus to params.disqusSections
disqusShortname = "your-disqus-shortname"
disqusSections = ["blog"]
Making Own Navigation Bar
Top navigation bar in Manis is made by configuring the navigation bar in config.toml
with the following code:
name = "Blog"
url = "/post/"
name = "About"
url = "/about"
Other Language
Manis already translated to Bahasa Indonesia. But, if you want to translate this theme to your own language, look for the example in i18n/en.yaml
and i18n/in.yaml
And then you edit the site’s config.toml
like this.
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
[languages.{Your Language Code}]
lang = "{Your Language Code}"
languageName = "{Your Language Name. example; Bahasa Indonesia or Japanese}"
weight = 1
If you found bug, or anything that itch you. Tell me! or maybe make PR.
Manis is licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.
“Moon Icon” and “Sun Icon” by Font Awesome are licensed under CC BY 4.0.