Hugo Themes
Dark Theme Editor
A simple, editor-like theme for Hugo.
Dark Theme Editor | Hugo
Dark Theme Editor is a blog theme for Hugo.
⚠️ The theme needs at least Hugo v0.110.x.
Main Features
- An editor-like theme for Hugo.
- Draggable Sidebar.
- Fully Responsive.
- Fully based on Hugo ecosystem.
- Goolge/Bing SEO Support
- Better Code Block
Download manually
You can simply download the theme from and paste it into the themes/dark-theme-editor
directory in the root directory of your Hugo site.
Install theme locally
# Under the root directory of your Hugo site.
git clone themes/dark-theme-editor
This will clone the theme repository directly into the themes/dark-theme-editor
Install theme as submodule
# Under the root directory of your Hugo site.
git submodule add -f themes/dark-theme-editor
This will install the theme repository as a sumbodule in the themes/dark-theme-editor
When using
as the theme for your Hugo site, please remember to set the theme field in yourconfig.toml
) file.Additionally, the theme provides many custom fields for you to configure as needed. Please refer to the
file in the theme to find all available options. You can override these values by adding them to your ownconfig.toml
file or by directly modifying the file in the theme directory.Click to toggle the full list of configurations.
# Theme Parameters [params] # Parameters applied in HTML <head> [] # Website ICON faviconUrl = "" # Do you have any CSS in local? List them in an array. # They should be placed inside "/assets" dir. # And don't named the file as "index.css" and "style.css". # These two files are used by the theme. localCss = [] # Do you need to add any external CSS? List them in an array. externalCss = [] # Do you have any script in local? List them in an array. # They should be placed inside "/assets" dir. # And don't named the file as "index.js" # Theis file is used by the theme. localJs = [] # Do you have any external Script need to add on? List them in an array. externalJs = [] # Customized info shown in header of the page [params.header] # Website title for header banner. title = "My New Hugo Site" # Subtitle for this site, used in homepage only subtitle = "A Site Built by Hugo" # Config about your's site logo, remove this item to hide the logo [params.header.logo] # Where is your site's URL imgUrl = "" # If the logo is clickable, where should it be linked? # In default, it will linked to the homepage of the site. logoLink = "" # Customized info shown in footer of the page [params.footer] # CopyRight string shown in the footer. Keep it an empty string or remove this item will hide it from the page. copyrightStr = "All Rights Reserved ®." # Should show the counter in the footer or not # In the home page, it will show the numbers of all pages # In the sections pages, it will show the numbers of pages within the section # In the taxonomy pages, it will show the numbers of pages belong to the taxonomy. # In the regular content pages, it will show the word count. counter = true # Should show the language of the page or not language = true # Should show the hugo version or not hugoVersion = true # Should show the theme info or not theme = true # Should show the edited time of the page or not modifiedTime = true # The format of the `modifiedTime`. # Refer to page for more detail. # Below is the default format, please do not remove it, unless you set `false` in `modifiedTime` field. dateFormat = "Jan 02 2006 15:04:05" # Should show the current git HEAD hash or not # To make this show up correctly, please follow the prerequisites in page # gitHash = true # Social link in the footer, listed items are supported, delete unwanted items to hide it. [params.footer.socialLink] github = "" facebook = "" twitter = "" email = "" linkedin = "" instagram = "" telegram = "" medium = "" vimeo = "" youtube = "" # Metadata of the site, value will be used in HTML <header> # These value would be used when they didn't appear in the frontmatter of a single page. # In other words, these value will be overwritten by the frontmatter in the single page. [params.globalFrontmatter] # The author of this site. This will be shown in # 1. the footer of all page # 2. the author filed in the single page. (this could be overwritten by the frontmatter of the single page.) # Keep it an empty string or remove this item will hide it from the page author = "Jing Wang" # Website description for RSS and SEO. Theme will generate a <meta> tag for this item description = "This is my new hugo site" # Website keywords. Theme will generate a <meta> tag for this item. keywords = "hugo,site,new" # Parameters applied in the homepage only [params.homePage] # Long Descripition shown in home page "Start Block". Is is recommended to have the paragraph shorter than 100 words. siteLongDescription = "Hugo is a fast and easy-to-use static website generator written in Go. It renders a complete HTML website from content and templates in a directory, utilizing Markdown files for metadata. It's optimized for speed and suitable for various website types." # If you don't like the title of "siteLongDescription" be "Start" (default), # you may change the value of this item to "Description" or something you like. siteLongDescriptionTitle = "Start" # Param to decide whether to show the most recent blog posts or not. (Default: true) showRecentPostsBlock = true # Param to decide how many recent posts to show in the home page. (Default: 5) numOfRecentPosts = 5 # Parameter to decide whether to show the URL behind the title. # It will be more like an editor if it is shown. However, in general, it can be messy if it is displayed. # (Default: true) recentPostShowUrl = true # Paramater applied in the single page # These values could be overwritten by the frontmatter in the single page. [] # Should include Table of Content in front of the page or not. includeToc = true # Should show the author of the page or not. # The author name will be shown in the single page if and only if # 1. this items been set as true and # 2. "aurthor" filed been provided in the # A. single page frontmatter or # B. "author" filed in above "globalFrontmatter" block showAuthor = true # Should show the date of the page or not showDate = true # The format of the date. # Refer to page for more detail. # Below is the default format, please do not remove it, unless you set `false` in `showDate` field. dateFormat = "2006.01.02" # Should show the estimate reading time in front of the page or not. showTimeToRead = true # Should show the breadcrumb in front of the page or not. showBreadcrumb = true
Run & Build
hugo server
Then, you should be able to see your site at localhost:1313
. From now on, all changes made locally will be reflected on the site, without the need to refresh your browser each time. Additionally, all files will not be minified or merged in this development mode, making it easier to debug any issues.
This will build your site in release mode, where all .html
, .css
, and .js
files will be minified and merged when possible.
Feature Plan
- Share to Social Media Button
Support- Emoji Support
- Better Code Block Highlight
- Mermaid Support
- Tab View Support
- Store custom note in local storage.
- Accessiblity Support
- LaTex Math Support
This theme was originally inspired by the theme edidor
. It appeared that the original theme was no longer maintained. I decided to rewrite the style and add new features to support responsive usage, improve the taxonomy page, and accommodate the newer version of Hugo, among other things. This effort resulted in the creation of this new theme. Hence, I added this acknowledgment to pay my respects to the original.
This theme was released under the Apache License 2.0.